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235 results

  • Reassignments R2: Women in Innovation Award 2024/25

    Please use this to register your interest in reassigned assessments of 1894: Women in Innovation Award 2024/25. More
    Closed 24 July 2024
  • STFC Neutron Review 2024-Community Consultation

    Neutron scattering capabilities are a major component of the UK’s research and discovery science infrastructure, as they facilitate unprecedented levels of insight into the structure and functional behaviour of materials and systems. These specialised techniques find application across the full spectrum of science disciplines, and specifically wherever there are questions about where atoms and molecules are, or about what they are doing. At the current time, UK neutron... More
    Closed 22 July 2024
  • 2024 Concordat to support research integrity consultation

    The UK’s Concordat to Support Research Integrity (the Concordat) provides a vital national framework for practice and governance of research integrity in the UK. The Concordat is now due to undergo its five-year review in which the content of the Concordat will be updated and revised. To ensure that the update reflects the views and needs of stakeholders, the signatories of the Concordat invite you to take part in an online consultation. Your responses will help to shape any revisions to... More
    Closed 22 July 2024
  • NQCC's Quantum Hackathon 2024: Confirmation and logistics form

    Thank you for your interest in the NQCC's UK Quantum Hackathon 2024. Please confirm your attendance at the hackathon by completing this form. The hackathon will be held at the University of Warwick from 22 to 24 July 2024. Please note that you might need to travel to the venue on 21 July. The hackathon is part of the NQCC’s SparQ programme, aimed at exploring and raising awareness of the current capabilities and limitations of quantum computing technology, as well as... More
    Closed 20 July 2024
  • Research Boards PM Activity Survey

    To identify and understand challenges for Programme Managers completing activities in a Board timetable. To highlight actvitities that may not have relealistic deadlines. More
    Closed 19 July 2024
  • Reassignments: Women in Innovation Award 2024/25

    Please use this to register your interest in reassigned assessments of 1894: Women in Innovation Award 2024/25. More
    Closed 19 July 2024
  • AHRC World Class Labs success reporting

    As part of AHRC’s regular reporting requirements, we gather data quarterly on major programmes, including our portfolio of projects funded through World Class Labs (WCL). This feeds into our monitoring of Measuring AHRC’s Success (MAS). This survey will enable you to provide us with high-level details on what your project has achieved, including how many jobs have been created and staff trained, how much additional funding the project has leveraged, and the number of... More
    Closed 18 July 2024
  • MRC Max Perutz Award 2024 Entry Form

    All personal data provided to UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) via this form will be processed in accordance with current UK data protection legislation. The Medical Research Council (MRC) aims to create an inclusive environment that encourages excellence in scientific research through good equalities practice. We are working to ensure that the competitions we fund embrace a diversity of people and ideas. Conducting diversity monitoring of our MRC Max... More
    Closed 17 July 2024
  • MRC Max Perutz Award 2024 Triage Judge Public Member

    Judging science video award We’re seeking public judges for the Medical Research Council (MRC) Max Perutz Award , a science video competition for MRC PhD students. Public judges wanted We want to hear from members of the public who would like to provide their personal feedback on video entries. Each video aims to tell a non-scientific audience why an area of research matters, in up to 60 seconds.... More
    Closed 17 July 2024
  • Collecting feedback for EPSRC training for the Funding Service

    To collect feedback for the new training modules centered around the Funding Service, as supported by the Business Improvement Team (BIT). More
    Closed 14 July 2024
  • 24RM1 Feedback - Chairs and Panel Members

    This is a short survey following BBSRC’s Responsive Mode 24RM1 round to understand the experience of the panel and seek feedback regarding the current assessment process. More
    Closed 12 July 2024
  • Technologies to enable independence for people living with dementia 

    This is an Expression of Interest to apply for funding to develop a Network Plus focused on the development and use of novel tools and technologies to enable people to live independently with dementia, including their carers. More
    Closed 11 July 2024
  • Catapult-UKRI Forum Survey

    Dear Catapult-UKRI Network Forum colleagues, please share your views via the survey below and help us shape the future of our Forum meetings. More
    Closed 10 July 2024
  • NQCC's Quantum Hackathon 2024: Attendance confirmation form

    Congratulations on your successful application to take part in the NQCC's UK Quantum Hackathon 2024! Please confirm your attendance at the hackathon by completing this form. The hackathon will be held at the University of Warwick from 22 to 24 July 2024. Please note that you might need to travel to the venue on 21 July. The hackathon is part of the NQCC’s SparQ programme, aimed at exploring and raising awareness of the current capabilities and limitations of... More
    Closed 5 July 2024
  • testing

    Closed 4 July 2024
  • Committee A, B and D Chair and Deputy Chair: Expression of Interest

    BBSRC Committee A, B and D Chair and Deputy Chair Thank you for your interest in applying to join BBSRC’s Committee A, B and D as Chair or Deputy Chair. Please read the role profiles and expertise requirements for the positions and provide evidence of how your expertise and experience address these criteria. Expressions of Interest will be reviewed against the criteria set out in the person specification and role descriptions. Outcomes will be... More
    Closed 4 July 2024
  • NQCC's Quantum Hackathon 2024: Application form

    Welcome to the NQCC’s third UK Quantum Hackathon! Please register your interest in participating in the hackathon through this form. The hackathon will be held at the University of Warwick from 22 to 24 July 2024. Successful applicants will receive food and accommodation during the hackathon, and travel bursaries will also be available for travel within the UK. This form is for individual applicants; you will be allocated a team closer to the hackathon. If your application... More
    Closed 3 July 2024
  • EPSRC Advanced Materials - Priority Scoping Workshops

    We are in the process of taking a fresh look at our EPSRC Advanced Materials priority areas - and we need your help and input. Our priority areas help to guide materials focused workstreams across EPSRC. They provide a framework through which EPSRC can address cross-cutting and community challenges, and enable us to address for example, specific aspects of skills, or to catalyse and accelerate societal and economic impacts. Using the outputs of a community survey run earlier in the... More
    Closed 1 July 2024
  • BBRAG September Meeting

    It has been decided that the BBRAG September meeting will be in-person/hybrid. We would like to reach consensus on where in the UK it should be held, what the meeting should focus on and if we would like to invite externals. Please fill this out by 12pm 24th June 2024. More
    Closed 26 June 2024
  • BBSRC network best practice workshop - dietary and access requirements

    Please fill in this survey if you are attending the BBSRC network best practice workshop on 25 June 2024, so we can inform the venue about any dietary or access requirements ahead of of the event. More
    Closed 24 June 2024
  • NQCC's Quantum Hackathon 2024: Provider Form

    Thank you for expressing your interest in participating in the NQCC’s annual UK quantum Hackathon for 2024! The Hackathon will provide an exciting opportunity for developers to explore industry-provided use cases using Quantum Computing (QC) platform(s) provided by your organisation. Aims The NQCC’s annual UK Quantum Hackathon aims to demonstrate how quantum computing can solve real-world problems by bringing together talented people from... More
    Closed 22 June 2024
  • New Deal for PGR: Operational Panel Application Form

    We are seeking external input across a range of research organisations on our proposed changes to the Standard Terms and Conditions for Training Grant s . The changes stem from commitments made by UKRI in the New Deal for Postgraduate Research. We are looking for input from a range of stakeholders within Research Organisations who substantially interact with or support UKRI funded postgraduate research students as part of a task and finish panel. This panel will... More
    Closed 21 June 2024
  • NQCC's Quantum Hackathon 2024: Use Case Competition

    Thank you for expressing your interest in participating in the NQCC’s annual UK quantum Hackathon for 2024! The Hackathon will provide an exciting opportunity to explore your specific use case using a quantum computing platform, gain exposure to different problems and approaches, and to network with quantum compute providers and developers. Aims The NQCC’s annual UK Quantum Hackathon aims to demonstrate how quantum computing can solve real-world problems by bringing together... More
    Closed 21 June 2024
  • AHRC Global Strategy Framework Survey

    In order to help us develop our international strategy, we would appreciate input from our key stakeholders through the completion of this Global Strategy Framework Survey 2024. This is your opportunity to inform our future international partnerships and engagement activities and funding calls. We would like to hear about your current international activities, your future international ambitions, and the support that you would like to see from AHRC. We would also like to hear your thoughts... More
    Closed 21 June 2024
  • Board and Panel Member Survey - Associates training and mentorship

    As part of the objectives in the MRC strategic delivery plan, MRC have launched a new board and panel associates’ scheme which aims to nurture diverse talent and support the development and retention of researchers needed for the future workforce. The scheme will run over two years, with two phases; the first phase will be an introduction for the associates and an opportunity to attend meetings. In the second phase associates will take a more active role in contributing to the... More
    Closed 21 June 2024
  • UKRI Research Leadership Symposium Survey

    Introduction UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI) strategy Transforming tomorrow together describes our ambition to make the UK a world-class environment for talented people and teams. The UK’s highly skilled research and innovation workforce is a huge national asset. Investment in people and skills is critical to the UK’s continued success in research and innovation. Our vision is for a thriving research and innovation system, connected and powered by the... More
    Closed 19 June 2024
  • REF 2029 Open Access Consultation

    The four UK higher education funding bodies are opening a consultation concerning the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2029 Open Access Policy. The purpose of the REF 2029 Open Access Policy is to outline open access requirements for the exercise. The proposed policy aims to embed progress in the sector for open access submission for journal publications. It also introduces an open access requirement for longform publications. This consultation outlines the... More
    Closed 17 June 2024
  • Postdoc Symposium

    PAL would like to organise a postdoc symposium. Let us know what topics you would be interested in! More
    Closed 16 June 2024
  • Annual Monitoring Survey for 2013 CDTs 2022/23

    Annual Monitoring of EPSRC Training Grants The annual monitoring allows EPSRC/UKRI to understand how the training grants are used across all organisations. Je-S Student Details and Researchfish® capture a broad range of studentship data, but they do not capture all of the information we need to evaluate our Training Partnerships. This report seeks to capture additional information not currently available through these mechanisms for the purpose of progress reporting to UK Research... More
    Closed 10 June 2024
  • Annual Monitoring Survey for 2013 CDTs - 2021/22

    Annual Monitoring of EPSRC Training Grants The annual monitoring allows EPSRC/UKRI to understand how the training grants are used across all organisations. Je-S Student Details and Researchfish® capture a broad range of studentship data, but they do not capture all of the information we need to evaluate our Training Partnerships. This report seeks to capture additional information not currently available through these mechanisms for the purpose of progress reporting to UK Research... More
    Closed 10 June 2024
235 results. Page 2 of 8