AHRC World Class Labs success reporting

Closed 10 Jan 2025

Opened 9 Dec 2024


As part of AHRC’s regular reporting requirements, we gather data quarterly on major programmes, including our portfolio of projects funded through World Class Labs (WCL). This feeds into our monitoring of Measuring AHRC’s Success (MAS).  

This survey will enable you to provide us with high-level details on what your project has achieved, including how many jobs have been created and staff trained, how much additional funding the project has leveraged, and the number of events undertaken. We are also interested to read about the wider impact of the work.  

We will continue to send this survey to your project for completion on a quarterly basis. 


Why your views matter

The data from this survey will help us to report on and measure the success of the CResCa investments. We will use the survey responses to identify impactful case studies and to share the success of these investments with internal and external stakeholders.

All of this will help AHRC to make the case for the value of investment in infrastructure for the study and care of collections, with the aim of receiving greater funding for future calls. 

Results of the survey will be shared with respondents. 

What happens next

Feedback from World Class Labs projects will be used to demonstrate the impact of the WCL investment on our research community.


  • Research Community


  • Research and Innovation Sector Engagement