68 results
Contribute evidence to the next Global Mobility Evidence Report
The global mobility evidence report is based on the key findings of collated sources of evidence on the international mobility of researchers, especially in relation to their entry to the UK. UKRI e ngage d with upwards of 40 organisations across government and the R &D sector to develop this report, centralis ing a wide range of existing evidence on international mobility . This ... MoreCloses 20 December 2024 -
Global Talent visa - Nominate a host organisation 2024
The Global Talent visa is an immigration route provided by the UK Government to give a fast and efficient visa offer to those working in science and research. UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is an endorsing body for the Global Talent visa. As an endorsing body, UKRI maintains a list of UK research organisations that are able to host researchers through the endorsed funder route. We are looking for nominations of additional research organisations in the UK. You can see the current... MoreCloses 20 December 2024 -
Global Talent visa - Nominate a funder for endorsement 2024
The Global Talent visa is an immigration route provided by the UK Government to give a fast and efficient visa offer to those working in science and research. UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is an endorsing body for the Global Talent visa. As an endorsing body, UKRI can recognise other funding organisations as endorsed funders. We are looking for nominations of research & innovation funders in the UK, as well as international research & innovation funders that... MoreCloses 20 December 2024 -
Annual Monitoring Survey for ICASE 2023/24
Annual Monitoring of EPSRC Training Grants The annual monitoring allows EPSRC/UKRI to understand how the training grants are used across all organisations. Je-S Student Details and Researchfish® capture a broad range of studentship data, but they do not capture all of the information we need to evaluate our Training Partnerships. This report seeks to capture additional information not currently available through these mechanisms for the purpose of progress reporting to UK Research... MoreCloses 20 December 2024 -
Annual Monitoring Survey for Other Training Grants 2023/2024
Annual Monitoring of EPSRC Training Grants The annual monitoring allows EPSRC/UKRI to understand how the training grants are used across all organisations. Je-S Student Details and Researchfish® capture a broad range of studentship data, but they do not capture all of the information we need to evaluate our Training Partnerships. This report seeks to capture additional information not currently available through these mechanisms for the purpose of progress reporting to UK Research... MoreCloses 20 December 2024 -
Annual Monitoring Survey for 2018 CDTs - 2023/24
Annual Monitoring of EPSRC Training Grants The annual monitoring allows EPSRC/UKRI to understand how the training grants are used across all organisations. Je-S Student Details and Researchfish® capture a broad range of studentship data, but they do not capture all of the information we need to evaluate our Training Partnerships. This report seeks to capture additional information not currently available through these mechanisms for the purpose of progress reporting to UK Research... MoreCloses 20 December 2024 -
Annual Monitoring Survey for DTPs 2023/24
Annual Monitoring of EPSRC Training Grants The annual monitoring allows EPSRC/UKRI to understand how the training grants are used across all organisations. Je-S Student Details and Researchfish® capture a broad range of studentship data, but they do not capture all of the information we need to evaluate our Training Partnerships. This report seeks to capture additional information not currently available through these mechanisms for the purpose of progress reporting to UK Research... MoreCloses 20 December 2024 -
Future Technology Research and Innovation visa scheme - register business interest
The Future Technology Research and Innovation (FTRI) Government Authorised Exchange (GAE) scheme is a new visa scheme that enables UK businesses to sponsor international researchers and research interns to carry out short-term work, research, or training placements in the UK. To be eligible to sponsor researchers through this scheme the business must be undertaking research and/or innovation in one of the critical technologies specified in the UK’s Science &... MoreCloses 20 December 2024 -
JSS Service Feedback
JSS are interested in your opinion of the service you have received. If you would like to give feedback please complete our quick feedback form MoreCloses 6 January 2025 -
Maths external visits/advisory boards
TBC MoreCloses 10 February 2025 -
ESRC Ideas for potential future social science data infrastructures
1. Summary ESRC is seeking ideas from the research and innovation community for major future social science data infrastructures which have the potential to be developed into an ESRC application to the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Infrastructure Fund (see below). Proposed ideas should, with development, be capable of leading to future large-scale initiatives that would provide a transformational change in capability for social science data infrastructure and enable... MoreCloses 27 February 2025 -
NERC Council Skills Matrix
The NERC Council Skills Matrix is used in succession planning. Please indicate your level of expertise using the following criteria: 1 No obvious experience 2 Familiarity but no direct experience 3 Significant personal experience 4 Great subject matter expertise MoreCloses 22 March 2025 -
Innovate UK Post Event Feedback Survey
Thank you for taking part and contributing to the Innovate UK CEO Portfolio and Future Talent event in London & Birmingham on the 1st &7th March. The purpose of this survey is to capture your valuable insights and perspectives on how the event, venue, layout, workshops and panels were conducted on the day. MoreCloses 30 April 2025 -
Leading a Diverse Team - Team Member Survey
As part of the Leading a Diverse Team programme, this questionnaire has been designed to gather feedback from team members on how well their manager promotes and ensures equity, diversity, inclusion and wellbeing within the team. The insights collected will help identify strengths and areas for improvement, fostering a more inclusive and equitable work environment. After one year, you will be sent a post-training survey to help track any changes and highlight areas for further... MoreCloses 30 May 2025 -
MRC Reviewer Selectors Areas of Expertise
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey to better understand your areas of expertise as an MRC Expert Reviewer Selector. We anticipate the survey will take around 10 minutes to complete. Data Protection UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) will use the personal data you give us to allocate suitable applications for you to provide revewer selections. We will store your data securely and handle it in line with UK data... MoreCloses 1 July 2025 -
MRC Reviewer Selectors Recruitment
Thank you for taking the time to apply to be an MRC Expert Reviewer Selector In the survey we will ask you to provide information, as outlined in the person requirements for this role. Please check that you have this information to hand as you begin: Experience of research and demonstrable broad interest in biomedical research Knowledge of the peer review process Written and verbal communication skills ... MoreCloses 1 July 2025 -
MRC Board and Panel Observer Feedback Survey
The Medical Research Council (MRC) board and panel observer scheme survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. We would like to learn more about your experience of observing an MRC board or panel meeting and give you an opportunity to give us your thoughts on our asssessment processes. Your feedback will provide insight into the effectiveness of our observer scheme and your perception of the transparency and fairness of our assessment... MoreCloses 1 July 2025 -
Project proposal: Call for Expression of Interest
The National Quantum Computing Centre (NQCC) announces its doctoral studentship scheme that will provide support for 30 students over 8 years. Currently, there are 6 doctoral studentships available for eligible UK universities, to run from autumn 2025. The funding will be provided through EPSRC Industrial Cooperative Awards in Science & Engineering (ICASE), with the NQCC as the industrial partner. The application process has two stages. Firstly, the NQCC is inviting short... MoreCloses 23 July 2025 -
ESRC Peer Review College - Self Nomination
Expert review plays a vital role in ensuring that the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) supports the highest quality research across our portfolio remit. It provides a fundamental contribution to our application assessment process; the expert knowledge provided through this process allows our panels to make appropriate, considered funding decisions. ESRC's Peer Review College members are our preferred source of expert reviewers, as they have undertaken appropriate training and... MoreCloses 30 September 2025 -
JSS Service Rating Quick Poll
Please answer the brief one question poll. MoreCloses 31 December 2025 -
ADR UK Researcher Training Recommendations
We invite you to contribute to our survey on training recommendations for administrative data researchers. Your recommendations will help us compile a curated list of high-value and accessible training programs and workshops. Please take a few minutes to provide details about any training sessions or workshops you have participated in that are available externally beyond your institution. MoreCloses 31 March 2026 -
KTP Final Report for Associates
For Knowledge Transfer Partnerships only Associates from KTP projects should use this form to submit their contribution to the Final Report process. Reports MUST be submitted before the last day of your role within the KTP. MoreCloses 7 May 2026 -
Hartree National Centre for Digital Innovation
Who are we? Hartree Centre generates economic and societal impact for the UK through digital technologies. Enabling UK businesses and the public sector to explore and adopt innovative new digital technologies including AI and quantum computing for productivity, innovation and economic growth. What is HNCDI? The Hartree National Centre for Digital Innovation is a collaborative programme with IBM which will enable businesses... MoreCloses 30 June 2026 -
EPSRC International - Expression of Interest Form
EPSRC complies with the General Data Protection Regulations 2016/679 (EU) (GDPR). We process and handle personal information according to these regulations. The personal information that you provide on this form will only be used for the processing of your application. The information will be viewed by EPSRC staff and those who are part of the decision making process. Your information will not be used/shared for any other purpose without your specific consent. EPSRC reserves the right to... MoreCloses 30 November 2026 -
STFC Return to Research Bursary
If you are a researcher looking to return to an academic research career after a break of two or more years, this bursary can help you to develop a proposal suitable for submission to the STFC fellowship scheme. To be eligible to apply, you must have a PhD in an area that falls within the remit of the STFC core science programme: accelerator physics astronomy solar and planetary science particle physics particle... MoreCloses 30 April 2027 -
Responsible Quantum Industry Forum Expression of Interest
Quantum technologies, including computing, communications, and sensing, have the potential for transformative impacts. As these technologies become more widely adopted in the UK and beyond, it is critical that they are developed and used responsibly, as emphasised by the strong focus in the UK’s National Quantum Strategy to responsible innovation, ethical use, and societal good. While many organisations are keen to put responsible quantum into action, it may be challenging to know where to... MoreCloses 14 December 2028 -
Defra Farming Innovation Programme project baseline survey - Lead
Defra and the UKRI Transforming Food Production (TFP) team have developed a defined set of indicators covering the economic, societal and environmental ways your project will impact the agricultural sector. We will measure the impact that your project will have in driving towards the overall objectives of the Farming Innovation Programme and provide evidence on the positive impact of your project. This is a baseline survey to measure where you are at the beginning of your project and is... MoreCloses 31 March 2029 -
Defra Farming Innovation Programme project midpoint survey - Lead
Defra and the UKRI Transforming Food Production (TFP) team have developed a defined set of indicators covering the economic, societal and environmental ways your project will impact the agricultural sector. We will measure the impact that your project will have in driving towards the overall objectives of the Farming Innovation Programme and provide evidence on the positive impact of your project. As with your baseline survey, these figures are intended to give an indication of... MoreCloses 31 March 2029 -
Defra Farming Innovation Programme project end survey - Lead
Defra and the UKRI Transforming Food Production (TFP) team have developed a defined set of indicators covering the economic, societal and environmental ways your project has and will continue to have impact. We collect these indicators to demonstrate the impact of your work, and to provide evidence on the benefits that investment in agritech R&D delivers in return for the taxpayer's investment. It is separate to the Innovate UK closeout survey, and focuses exclusively on the Farming... MoreCloses 31 March 2029 -
Defra Farming Innovation Programme project baseline survey - Collaborator
Defra and the UKRI Transforming Food Production (TFP) team have developed a defined set of indicators covering the economic, societal and environmental ways your project will impact the agricultural sector. We will measure the impact that your project will have in driving towards the overall objectives of the Farming Innovation Programme and provide evidence on the positive impact of your project. This is a baseline survey to measure where you are at the beginning of your project and is... MoreCloses 31 March 2029
68 results.
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