Defra Farming Innovation Programme project baseline survey - Lead

Closes 31 Mar 2029

Opened 1 Sep 2023


Defra and the UKRI Transforming Food Production (TFP) team have developed a defined set of indicators covering the economic, societal and environmental ways your project will impact the agricultural sector. We will measure the impact that your project will have in driving towards the overall objectives of the Farming Innovation Programme and provide evidence on the positive impact of your project. This is a baseline survey to measure where you are at the beginning of your project and is intended to give an indication of the anticipated impact of your project on the programme's goals. You will be asked for an update midway through your project, and again after your project has closed.

Where we are asking you to forecast numbers at the beginning of your project, please be aware that they will not be used to assess your performance or affect your grant in any way.  Given the breadth of the investments being made as part of the Farming Innovation Programme, we do not expect every project to deliver against all indicators, but please try to give as accurate a prediction of activity as you can and seek clarification where you are unsure.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.  If you have any questions regarding its completion, please contact your Monitoring Officer.

Click here to begin the online survey:


  • Government


  • Research and Innovation Sector Engagement