358 results
Apprenticeship Candidate survey 2023/24
Welcome to the STFC/UKRI Apprenticeship recruitment process feedback survey. Please be as honest as possible in your responses. This data will be treated as highly sensitive, and personal information will be protected. Please respond by Sunday 18th August 2024. Data will only be used by the Early Careers Recruitment Team and results shared with relevant governance and planning groups for the respective programmes MoreClosed 18 August 2024 -
Apply to join the Early Career Forum in Engineering Research
EPSRC is seeking applications from Early Career academics to join the Early Career Forum in the Engineering Research for a two-year term. We are looking to recruit about 10 new members in this exercise. A brief institutional statement of support is required. EPSRC wishes to invite Forum members across the full breadth of the Engineering theme. This includes our portfolios and other area of Engineering discipline. MoreClosed 16 August 2024 -
Gravitational Waves Community Consultation
The Roadmap for UK Particle Astrophysics 2022 highlights the strengths and opportunity for the UK Gravitational Waves field, however with future next generation programmes on the horizon it is essential for STFC to develop a plan and where necessary, prioritise, accordingly. This light-touch review of the GW research field aims to establish a clear strategy for longer term UK investment over the next five to ten years, and the outputs will feed into the SB prioritisation and PPAN... MoreClosed 15 August 2024 -
EPSRC Mathematical Modelling for Next Generation Formulated Products NetworkPlus Expression of Interest
Funding to establish a NetworkPlus grant to build communities and unlock the potential of new predictive mathematical approaches to drive towards rapid, smarter, greener and personalised formulation. You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for EPSRC funding and applications must have a strong mathematical emphasis. To support the peer review process and to monitor demand, project leads will be required to submit an Expression of Interest. ... MoreClosed 14 August 2024 -
MRC Insight blog: Audience Insight Survey for Subscribers 2024
Dear MRC Insight blog subscribers, We would like to improve our MRC Insight blog by learning more about you – our subscribers – and the content that interests you. Please complete our short survey by clicking the 'Take survey' button below. The survey is anonymous and should only take five minutes. Thank you for taking the time to help to improve our blog. Best wishes, Isabel Harding and... MoreClosed 2 August 2024 -
ESRC-GSR Actionable Insights Seminar: Cost of Living Survey
This survey is part of the ESRC-GSR's evaluation of the Actionable Insights Seminars. The purpose of the survey is threefold: Seminar Experience Evaluation: To understand your experience with the Actionable Insights Seminars, including the thematic challenge areas, the quality of connections made between researchers and policymakers, and the overall effectiveness in providing evidence and insights. Impact and Learning Assessment: To gather... MoreClosed 1 August 2024 -
MRC Max Perutz Award 2024 Judging Panel Public Member
Judging science video award We’re seeking public judges for the Medical Research Council (MRC) Max Perutz Award , a science video competition for MRC PhD students. Public judges wanted We want to hear from members of the public who would like to provide their personal feedback on video entries. Each video aims to tell a non-scientific audience why an area of research matters, in up to 60 seconds. We’re looking... MoreClosed 31 July 2024 -
MRC Reviewer Selectors Areas of Expertise
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey to better understand your areas of expertise as an MRC Expert Reviewer Selector. We anticipate the survey will take around 10 minutes to complete. Data Protection UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) will use the personal data you give us to allocate suitable applications for you to provide revewer selections. We will store your data securely and handle it in line with UK data... MoreOpened 26 July 2024 -
MRC Reviewer Selectors Recruitment
Thank you for taking the time to apply to be an MRC Expert Reviewer Selector In the survey we will ask you to provide information, as outlined in the person requirements for this role. Please check that you have this information to hand as you begin: Experience of research and demonstrable broad interest in biomedical research Knowledge of the peer review process Written and verbal communication skills ... MoreOpened 26 July 2024 -
MRC Community Visits – Feedback Survey
Thank you for attending an MRC Community Visit. We would be very grateful for your feedback on the event. Please complete this short survey, which will take no longer than 5 minutes. As we continue to develop the Community Visits programme, attendee feedback will be critical in shaping what you found most valuable and areas for improvement. MoreClosed 26 July 2024 -
ABRCMS 2024 Registration
The ABCRMS Conference 2024 will be taking place on November 13th-16th in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It is important that we register as soon as possible to sort payment and travel. Here is some extra information about the registration and housing. I would also urge you to start looking at flights and book as soon as possible. MRC will be able to reimburse through expenses or via your employer/institution. MoreClosed 25 July 2024 -
Reassignments R2: Women in Innovation Award 2024/25
Please use this to register your interest in reassigned assessments of 1894: Women in Innovation Award 2024/25. MoreClosed 24 July 2024 -
MRC Board and Panel Associates Feedback Survey
This Medical Research Council (MRC) survey for board and panel associates will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Following on from the MRC Board and Panel Associates Induction session, We would like to learn more about your experience as a MRC board or panel associate so far. This includes observing a board or panel meeting, the induction and your thoughts on proposed and future activities. Your feedback will provide insight into the... MoreOpened 23 July 2024 -
STFC Neutron Review 2024-Community Consultation
Neutron scattering capabilities are a major component of the UK’s research and discovery science infrastructure, as they facilitate unprecedented levels of insight into the structure and functional behaviour of materials and systems. These specialised techniques find application across the full spectrum of science disciplines, and specifically wherever there are questions about where atoms and molecules are, or about what they are doing. At the current time, UK neutron... MoreClosed 22 July 2024 -
2024 Concordat to support research integrity consultation
The UK’s Concordat to Support Research Integrity (the Concordat) provides a vital national framework for practice and governance of research integrity in the UK. The Concordat is now due to undergo its five-year review in which the content of the Concordat will be updated and revised. To ensure that the update reflects the views and needs of stakeholders, the signatories of the Concordat invite you to take part in an online consultation. Your responses will help to shape any revisions to... MoreClosed 22 July 2024 -
NQCC's Quantum Hackathon 2024: Confirmation and logistics form
Thank you for your interest in the NQCC's UK Quantum Hackathon 2024. Please confirm your attendance at the hackathon by completing this form. The hackathon will be held at the University of Warwick from 22 to 24 July 2024. Please note that you might need to travel to the venue on 21 July. The hackathon is part of the NQCC’s SparQ programme, aimed at exploring and raising awareness of the current capabilities and limitations of quantum computing technology, as well as... MoreClosed 20 July 2024 -
Research Boards PM Activity Survey
To identify and understand challenges for Programme Managers completing activities in a Board timetable. To highlight actvitities that may not have relealistic deadlines. MoreClosed 19 July 2024 -
Reassignments: Women in Innovation Award 2024/25
Please use this to register your interest in reassigned assessments of 1894: Women in Innovation Award 2024/25. MoreClosed 19 July 2024 -
MRC Max Perutz Award 2024 Entry Form
All personal data provided to UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) via this form will be processed in accordance with current UK data protection legislation. The Medical Research Council (MRC) aims to create an inclusive environment that encourages excellence in scientific research through good equalities practice. We are working to ensure that the competitions we fund embrace a diversity of people and ideas. Conducting diversity monitoring of our MRC Max... MoreClosed 17 July 2024 -
MRC Max Perutz Award 2024 Triage Judge Public Member
Judging science video award We’re seeking public judges for the Medical Research Council (MRC) Max Perutz Award , a science video competition for MRC PhD students. Public judges wanted We want to hear from members of the public who would like to provide their personal feedback on video entries. Each video aims to tell a non-scientific audience why an area of research matters, in up to 60 seconds.... MoreClosed 17 July 2024 -
24RM1 Feedback - Chairs and Panel Members
This is a short survey following BBSRC’s Responsive Mode 24RM1 round to understand the experience of the panel and seek feedback regarding the current assessment process. MoreClosed 12 July 2024 -
Technologies to enable independence for people living with dementia
This is an Expression of Interest to apply for funding to develop a Network Plus focused on the development and use of novel tools and technologies to enable people to live independently with dementia, including their carers. MoreClosed 11 July 2024 -
Catapult-UKRI Forum Survey
Dear Catapult-UKRI Network Forum colleagues, please share your views via the survey below and help us shape the future of our Forum meetings. MoreClosed 10 July 2024 -
NQCC's Quantum Hackathon 2024: Attendance confirmation form
Congratulations on your successful application to take part in the NQCC's UK Quantum Hackathon 2024! Please confirm your attendance at the hackathon by completing this form. The hackathon will be held at the University of Warwick from 22 to 24 July 2024. Please note that you might need to travel to the venue on 21 July. The hackathon is part of the NQCC’s SparQ programme, aimed at exploring and raising awareness of the current capabilities and limitations of... MoreClosed 5 July 2024 -
aa MoreClosed 4 July 2024 -
Committee A, B and D Chair and Deputy Chair: Expression of Interest
BBSRC Committee A, B and D Chair and Deputy Chair Thank you for your interest in applying to join BBSRC’s Committee A, B and D as Chair or Deputy Chair. Please read the role profiles and expertise requirements for the positions and provide evidence of how your expertise and experience address these criteria. Expressions of Interest will be reviewed against the criteria set out in the person specification and role descriptions. Outcomes will be... MoreClosed 4 July 2024 -
NQCC's Quantum Hackathon 2024: Application form
Welcome to the NQCC’s third UK Quantum Hackathon! Please register your interest in participating in the hackathon through this form. The hackathon will be held at the University of Warwick from 22 to 24 July 2024. Successful applicants will receive food and accommodation during the hackathon, and travel bursaries will also be available for travel within the UK. This form is for individual applicants; you will be allocated a team closer to the hackathon. If your application... MoreClosed 3 July 2024 -
MRC Board and Panel Observer Feedback Survey
The Medical Research Council (MRC) board and panel observer scheme survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. We would like to learn more about your experience of observing an MRC board or panel meeting and give you an opportunity to give us your thoughts on our asssessment processes. Your feedback will provide insight into the effectiveness of our observer scheme and your perception of the transparency and fairness of our assessment... MoreOpened 3 July 2024 -
MRC remit enquiries
Please complete the Online MRC Remit Survey Form to check if your project is suitable for MRC funding. MoreOpened 1 July 2024 -
BBRAG September Meeting
It has been decided that the BBRAG September meeting will be in-person/hybrid. We would like to reach consensus on where in the UK it should be held, what the meeting should focus on and if we would like to invite externals. Please fill this out by 12pm 24th June 2024. MoreClosed 26 June 2024
358 results.
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