RAL & Boulby 2023 Annual Apprentice Award Nominations

Opens 1 Aug 2024

Closes 30 Sep 2024

Results expected 1 Oct 2024

Feedback expected 21 Nov 2024


At STFC, we are keen to recognise and celebrate the achievements of our Apprentices working across the breadth of operations at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and Boulby. 

We are therefore seeking nominations for the following categories: 

  1. Apprentice of the Year 2023
  2. Outreach Award
  3. Recognition Award
  4. Impact Award


Why your views matter

We are keen to receive nominations from those around the organisation who work closely with Apprentices and see the positive contibution that they make to STFC. Apprentices themselves will have the opportunity to vote for a Peer Support Award and will receive a seperate link to do so. 

Take me to the nominations

This activity will open on 1 Aug 2024. Please come back on or after this date to give us your views.


  • All Staff


  • Staff Opinion