UKRI Group IT Conference 4th & 5th October Feedback

Closed 27 Oct 2023

Opened 6 Oct 2023


Thank you for joining us for the first UKRI Group IT conference.

I really hope you enjoyed not only the event but the opportunity to mix and network with the Group IT community. As you can imagine these events take a lot of organisation (not to mention precious funding) so it is key for me to ensure that we are getting the most benefit from them. I also want to learn from your experiences and feedback to help shape what we do both in the immediate future in terms of action but also how we shape future events.  I appreciate this survey is a little long by virtue of the ground that we covered, but I am keen to get as much feedback as possible and your time in providing this is greatly appreciated.  

There were also a lot of presenters over the 2 days to who I am very thankful, so I am keen we respect their time and effort by providing them feedback as well as just a general rating where you feel able to do so, please include in the specific presentation slot comments any related follow up you would value.


  • All Staff


  • Staff Opinion