Application form for UKRI’s Strategic Research Leadership Symposia

Closes 5 Nov 2024

Opened 30 Sep 2024


The UK Research and Innovation Strategic Research Leadership Symposia is a new and exclusive pilot initiative designed to support individuals who are transitioning into leadership roles in strategic UKRI investments, or those who are more established in their posts but wish to further develop their leadership practice.

The symposia will offer cutting-edge leadership development, exceptional networking opportunities, and access to expert mentors. Designed around two action oriented intensive Crucible-style Labs, the symposia will focus on helping you address complex research leadership challenges, build lasting professional networks, and create a supportive peer community.

Symposia details

The two Crucible-style Labs will be delivered as two-day residential retreats on 9-10 January 2025 (York) and 25-26 March 2025 (London).

In advance of the Labs, to facilitate early networking within the group, the Strategic Research Leadership Symposia will launch its own website, featuring photos and biographies of programme participants.  Additionally, participants will have access to an online Padlet to share their interests, challenges, and expectations for the programme. These tools will inform the design and delivery of the labs and will remain accessible for six months post-programme to support ongoing engagement among participants. Although the input from the participants will shape the agendas for each lab, it is envisaged that these in person events will include interactions with some high-profile speakers (from within and outside academia) and discussion of topics such as sustainable financing, interdisciplinary research, trusted research, entrepreneurship and innovation.  

Between the two Labs, participants will be able to engage with a bespoke Mentoring programme, modelled on the award-winning FLF Development Network Leadership Mentoring Programme, which will emphasize both peer-to-peer support and traditional mentoring relationships.

Limited to 50-60 participants across the breath of UKRI to ensure a diverse and impactful cohort, this symposia will enrich your leadership journey and amplify your influence in the research community. Participants will not only benefit from the knowledge gained and the focus on practical strategies to navigate the complexities of research leadership but will also be equipped to share these insights within their own networks, amplifying the impact.  Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your leadership potential and drive transformative research and innovation.

Applications are now open and can be submitted through our survey by 23:59 on 5 November. All applicants, whether successful or not, will be notified by 15 November.

Who can apply

UKRI’s Strategic Research Leadership Symposia will support individuals who are transitioning into leadership roles in strategic UKRI investments such as research centres and institutes, or those who are more established in their posts but wish to continue enhancing their leadership practice. Applicants must either be a director of a UKRI programme or a member of the senior leadership team from a strategic UKRI investment. 

How we will assess your application

Applications will be assessed against the potential added value to existing UKRI investments due to participation in the network considering the expected benefits to:

-the individual

-the UKRI investment

- the individual's institution 

-broader networks

The assessment process follows the UKRI principles and will include three stages:

  1. eligibility check and grouping of proposals into primary council affiliation. Proposals will be prioritised relative to other applications from the same primary council affiliation to help ensure disciplinary spread.
  2. rating of eligible applications against assessment criteria
  3. panel discussion of eligible applications against assessment criteria. At this stage the panel* will ensure the final cohort is representative of the eligible research leadership community to maximise diversity and disciplinary spread. After ensuring disciplinary spread, applications will be assessed on merit. Where applications are judged to be of the same merit, the panel may make their final selections based on geographical locations and protected characteristics in order to ensure a diverse cohort which is representative of the eligible research community.

*The panel will consist of members of the Strategic Research Leadership Network programme team and UKRI representatives. In line with UKRI principles any interests in, or connections with particular institutions held by members of the panel are declared, and where a conflict of interest is or may be perceived, those individuals take no part in any decisions relating to those organisations or their employees.

Additional Information

If you have any questions about the symposia or application process, you can contact us at

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Data Protection

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) complies with the General Data Protection Regulations 2016/679 (EU) (GDPR). We process and handle personal information according to these regulations. The personal information that you provide on this form will only be used for the processing of your application or for the specific aims of this survey as stated. The information will be viewed by UKRI and UKRI FLF Development Network staff. Your information will not be used/shared for any other purpose without your specific consent. UKRI reserves the right to publish and share anonymized aggregated information with stakeholders. For further information on how your personal data is used, how we maintain the security of your information, and your rights to access that information we hold about you, please contact UKRI Data Protection: The UK Research and Innovation privacy notice can be found here:

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  • Research Community


  • Leadership