Notification of exemption applied to a longform publication and trade books not published open access

Closes 31 Dec 2030


1. What is your name?

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This should be the name of the person submitting this notification to UKRI. This notification may be submitted by the author or by their research organisation.

2. What is your email address?

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This should be the contact email address for the person submitting this notification to UKRI. We will use this address should we need to contact you about the information that you have submitted. 

If this form is being completed by a member of a relevant team within an organisation, then we would encourage you to use a generic or team email address that is checked regularly. 

3. What is your organisation?

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This should be name of the 'home' organisation of the person who is submitting this notification to UKRI. This does not need to be the same as the organisation that held the award that the publication is acknowledging. 

If you are an author who is notifying UKRI of an exemption that you have applied to your publication and you are not currently associated with a research organisation, then you may either write n/a or include here the name of the organisation where you held the funding that the output is acknowledging.