JSS Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey 2025
Welcome to the JSS customer satisfaction survey 2025
We conduct a customer satisfaction survey every year. The results from previous surveys can be found on our website.
We are interested in what you think of the service we provide and would appreciate it if you could complete our 2025 survey. Please base your comments on the latest contact that you have had with us.
The information you provide will be used by us and will help us to continue to provide or improve the service we give to our members, pensioners, and employers.
The answers you provide will only be used by JSS and you have the option to remain anonymous, however if you want us to reply back to you regarding your answers, the option to leave your contact details will be available at the end of the survey.
We will not reply to you before the survey closes so if you have a question about your pension please email us at memberships@jss.ukri.org
Your contribution to this is very much appreciated and valued.
The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.
Give us your views
- RCPS Members
- RCPS Pension (JSS)
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