REF 2029 Open Access Consultation

Closed 17 Jun 2024

Opened 18 Mar 2024


The four UK higher education funding bodies are opening a consultation concerning the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2029 Open Access Policy.

The purpose of the REF 2029 Open Access Policy is to outline open access requirements for the exercise. The proposed policy aims to embed progress in the sector for open access submission for journal publications. It also introduces an open access requirement for longform publications.

This consultation outlines the proposed policy for REF 2029.

Why your views matter

The consultation aims to gather a deeper understanding of sector perspectives on key issues and impacts in relation to our policy proposals.

We invite responses from any organisation, group or individual with an interest in research or scholarly publishing.

What happens next

Following this consultation, we will develop and implement the final REF 2029 Open Access Policy, with the aim to publish the final policy in the summer or autumn of 2024.


  • Research Community
  • Third Sector
  • Industry


  • Research and Innovation Sector Engagement