FAAM MLU data user requirements

Closed 31 Mar 2024

Opened 24 Jan 2024


This survey aims to collect information about existing users of data produced by the FAAM Airborne Laboratory. It will take you approximately 15 minutes to complete - most questions are optional. 

We are interested in understanding who is already using the data, how and why.

Why your views matter

This survey will gather information about what works well and/or any barriers to accessibility and use of the data. We would like the experience of the community to help shape future improvements to accessibility and useability of the data and our related services. 

This work is being undertaken by members of the NERC Environmental Data Service (EDS) in association with the FAAM team and will help us to improve our data and services

What happens next

Responses will be reviewed by the EDS-CEDA and FAAM teams and used to improve access and future services. 


  • Research Community
  • Innovation Community
  • Third Sector
  • Government
  • Parliament
  • ECR forum
  • RCPS Members
  • Public, Schools
  • Industry
  • All Staff


  • Data services