Forward Look Community Consultation

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Closes 7 Mar 2025


This is a consultation to scope and develop the Forward Look in collaboration with our community and stakeholders. The Forward Look will set out our research and innovation priorities and how we will support the underpinning capabilities needed to deliver our science. It will provide a longer-term framework for environmental research and innovation (R&I) in the UK, guiding our strategic direction and ambitions.

The Forward Look will extend our planning past Spending Review cycles, ensuring we can maximise the value of our funding and responding to the government’s ambition for long-term thinking across the R&I ecosystem.

1. If you would be happy for us to contact you further about your responses, please provide your name and e-mail address. What is your name?
2. What is your email address?
3. What type of organisation do you work for?
4. In what discipline do you work?
5. What are your views on the R&I priorities (green growth, environmental security, responsible innovation) that NERC has identified in the Forward Look? You may wish to consider the following in your answer: a) What should NERC prioritise to deliver against these R&I areas? b) Are there any barriers or blocks in these areas NERC needs to address? c) Are there other ambitions which NERC should consider? Why?
6. NERC provides support for a range of underpinning capabilities (including for example infrastructure, facilities, data, research talent) for environmental science. How can we better utilise these capabilities to deliver on our priority areas?
7. What do you currently (either as an individual researcher or thinking about your institution or discipline) look to NERC to provide, support, or do, and is there anything you would like NERC to do in the future that it does not do currently? Are any of the activities stated unique to NERC?
8. In your view, what skills should NERC focus on developing in our community over the next 10 years and why?
9. Who do we need to work with to deliver on these ambitions? Are there new partnerships which NERC needs to foster to be more effective?
10. Is there anything missing that you think NERC should include in the Forward Look? Or anything else you would like to say which is not already included in this survey?