MRC Max Perutz Award 2024 Judging Panel Public Member

Closed 31 Jul 2024

Opened 2 Jul 2024


Judging science video award

We’re seeking public judges for the Medical Research Council (MRC) Max Perutz Award, a science video competition for MRC PhD students.

Public judges wanted

We want to hear from members of the public who would like to provide their personal feedback on video entries.

Each video aims to tell a non-scientific audience why an area of research matters, in up to 60 seconds. We’re looking for Judging Panel Public Members who will represent the non-scientific target audience of the video entries.

Why your views matter

By judging our MRC Max Perutz Award you will be part of efforts to encourage and recognise outstanding science communication by our PhD students.

Effective science communication by scientists can help build trust in science and encourage participation in science.

Public member judges will receive paid support from MRC to view, score and comment on how well the videos explain an area of research, using specific judging criteria. This feedback will contribute to the final decision of which videos are selected as the winner and the runner-up of the Award.

Who can get involved?

We are looking for people aged over 18, with no science background (beyond GCSE or A-level science education or equivalent) who can work up to six hours in total, between August and October 2024.

We will try to ensure a diverse range of judges to champion fairness and diversity of people and ideas, in line with UKRI’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy. This includes consideration of the protected characteristics.

We will do our best to support the needs of all individuals who engage in our public member judging process.

If you have any questions or wish to discuss how we can support you to participate, please contact  

Why get involved?

Join our judging panel as a Judging Panel Public Member (two places available):

  • Get paid £225 to sit on the Award’s judging panel, review the shortlist of five video entries and attend a virtual panel meeting where the panel picks one winner and runner-up (in line with NIHR public contributor policy). You will be on the panel alongside MRC’s Associate Director of Research Talent, Skills and Careers Dr Joanna Robinson, and two science communication, video creation and script writing professionals. 
  • Contribute your time flexibly, with up to six hours work between August and October 2024.
  • Receive judging instructions and criteria from MRC and gain skills to improve your CV, including a certificate of participation and experience of contributing to a formal committee.
  • Option to attend an in-person awards ceremony in London on the afternoon of Wednesday 13 November (three hours long) with time, accommodation and travel expenses covered.
  • Support the career development of PhD students by helping us encourage and recognise their science communication efforts.

Training support and payments

No specialist knowledge or experience is needed to get involved as a Judging Panel Public Member. We will provide you with written guidance and virtual support throughout the process. You will only be asked to comment on video content.

  • We provide clear instructions for judging and you will gain skills to improve your CV, including a certificate of participation.
  • You will be paid on completion of the work, via an expense claims form and payment to your personal bank account.
  • We have some flexibility to work around your life and existing commitments.
  • We have a great team who will support you through the process.

How will MRC store my data?

All personal data provided to MRC, part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), will be processed in accordance with current UK data protection legislation. 

MRC aims to create an inclusive environment that encourages excellence in scientific research through good equalities practice. We are working to ensure that the competitions we fund embrace a diversity of people and ideas.

Conducting diversity monitoring of our MRC Max Perutz Award judges is one of the ways in which we seek to embed equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in all we do. This is to contribute towards creating a research and innovation system that is 'by everyone, for everyone'. 

Any diversity information obtained in this form will be used for monitoring purposes only.

Further information on UKRI support for equality, diversity and inclusion can be found at UKRI Equality, diversity and inclusion. Additional information on how we use diversity data can be found in UKRI Diversity data collection and the UKRI Privacy Notice.

If you have any questions, please contact:  


  • Public, Schools


  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Public Opinion