Leading a Diverse Team - Team Member Survey

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Closes 30 May 2025


1. What is your name?
2. What is your line manager's name?
3. I am able to be my authentic self at work.
4. I feel comfortable having conversations with my manager about my diverse needs, requirements, and wellbeing at work.
5. What does leading a diverse team mean to you? How well do you think this has been implemented in your team?
6. I know where I and/or my team members can go for support with equality, diversity and inclusion-related and/or wellbeing issues at work.
7. I understand where I and/or my team members can go to escalate claims of bullying, harassment and/or discrimination at work.
8. On a scale of 1-10 (with 1 being not confident at all), how confident do you feel in your line manager’s ability to advance equity and inclusion within your team?
9. What do you think are the key challenges your manager faces in managing a diverse team (tick all that apply)?
10. On a scale of 1-10 (with 1 being not confident at all), how confident are you in your line manager’s ability to manage bias, inappropriate language and behaviours (e.g. micro-aggressions)?
11. Are there any changes you would like to see following your line manager’s attendance on the Leading a Diverse Team training? What are they?
12. Would you like your responses to be shared with your line manager directly, as part of their learning journey feedback? They would be anonymised and collated with other team members' responses. Please keep in mind that in very small teams it may be difficult to ensure anonymity. Your feedback will not be shared without your consent.