Leading a Diverse Team - Team Member Survey
As part of the Leading a Diverse Team programme, this questionnaire has been designed to gather feedback from team members on how well their manager promotes and ensures equity, diversity, inclusion and wellbeing within the team. The insights collected will help identify strengths and areas for improvement, fostering a more inclusive and equitable work environment.
After one year, you will be sent a post-training survey to help track any changes and highlight areas for further improvement, consideration and/or reflection. These surveys are a valuable means of providing feedback and are essential to ensure the programme is meeting staff needs and having impact.
You can be assured that your responses will be kept confidential and only the MRC EDI Engagement and Change Manager Sarah Goler Solecki and external facilitator Nicola Pease will have access to them for the purposes of collating anonymous responses. You will be given the option for your feedback to be shared with your line manager directly as part of their learning journey, but this is optional. Responses will be deleted upon completion of the evaluation stage of the programme in approximately 18 months' time.
If you would like this survey in a different format, please email equalitymrc@ukri.org.
Thank you for taking the time to respond, we are most grateful!
- All Staff
- Staff Opinion
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