ESRC Future Data Services Discovery & Data Curation - Service Staff Survey

Closes 30 Sep 2024

Opened 15 Jul 2024


ESRC is seeking input for the Discovery and Data Curation theme of the Future Data Services (FDS) programme. The FDS programme seeks to understand the needs of the next generation of data services beyond 2024.  

This survey specifically seeks to understand the needs and views of data service staff. Whilst FDS focusses on the needs of the social science community from ESRC data services views from across the disciplines are welcomed.  

This survey forms part of a wider work package so does not cover every aspect of discovery and data curation. However, if you would like to discuss your views on this space further, please contact us at  

Give us your views


  • Anyone from any background


  • Data services
  • Post Graduate Research (PGR)
  • Fellows
  • Staff Opinion
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Public Opinion
  • Industry Engagement
  • Research and Innovation Sector Engagement