EPSRC Large Scale Facilities - User survey

Closes 21 Nov 2024


Welcome to the user survey on the accessibility and inclusion of the EPSRC Large Scale Facilities.

What are the aims of the survey?

We have designed this survey so we can gather information, from the point of view of facility users, on the accessibility and inclusivity of EPSRC-supported facilities. If you have used, or have wanted to use, one of our Large-Scale Facilities, which include the National Research Facilities and High-Performance Computing services such as Tier2s and ARCHER2, then we would like you to respond to this survey.

The results of this survey will be used to help us understand any difficulties with achieving greater accessibility, as well as what is working well across our range of facilities.

This survey has been designed by the EPSRC Research Infrastructure and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) teams, in conjunction with our Disability and Accessibility Advisory Group and the UKRI Equality Diversity and Inclusion Caucus (EDICa).

We are looking at four main areas of interest (which may vary in how relevant they are to you):

  1. Application information – the accessibility of information needed to apply to use the facilities
  2. In-person access – the physical design of the facilities and fixed infrastructure within it, including adaptation of protocols e.g. evacuation protocols (where relevant)
  3. Remote access – the design of remote access routes (where relevant)
  4. Event planning – the accessibility of consultation, training and dissemination events, virtual, hybrid and in-person.

Do I have to take part?

Taking part is entirely optional. However, the benefit of taking part is that you, through your experiences of the facilities, will help us and the facilities better understand accessibility needs of the users. This will in turn help us to understand what could be done to improve accessibility and inclusion of our facilities. This is your chance to have your voice heard.

No respondents to the survey will be asked their name or institution. All responses will remain confidential.

What will completing the survey involve?

This survey consists of up to 37 questions that take the form of multiple choice, rating scales and optional free text boxes. We estimate the survey to take a minimum of 20 minutes to complete. For those with extended experience of the facilities and those who wish to provide extra written comments we anticipate it may take longer to complete.

We appreciate that the range of facilities that we support are varied and not all the questions will be applicable to you. You will be able to miss out sections not relevant to you or select ‘not applicable’ for individual questions. We would prefer you to attempt all relevant questions, but if need be, you can choose not to answer questions you feel are irrelevant or not applicable to you.

This survey uses the UKRI Citizen Space site, which meets the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA standards. The Citizen Space platform has a 'save and return' feature that allows you to come back to your incomplete survey response at a later date without losing the information you've already entered. You must have cookies enabled in their web browser to use this feature, and the feature is not available for responses that have already been completed and submitted.

What do I do if don’t want to take part, or change my mind after taking part?

If you read the survey information and decide not to take part, simply close the browser or select “No” to the question below regarding informed consent.

Unfortunately, as all responses are anonymised by Citizen Space before being provided to us, we are not able to guarantee withdrawal from the survey after completion as we will not be able to identify your response. Additionally, once you have hit submit at the end of the survey you will not be able to withdraw your responses as we will not be able to link your identity with your response.

How will the survey findings be used?

This survey is not about singling out individual facilities but sharing what is working well. Once we have analysed the responses, the aggregated results will be shared with the facilities, so we can jointly explore ways in which our range of facilities can become more inclusive, e.g. through good practice sharing.

What do I do if I have any questions and queries about the survey (now or after)?

If you have any questions or queries regarding the survey before, during or after completing the survey, please contact inclusionmatters@epsrc.ukri.org or researchinfrastructure@epsrc.ukri.org.

How will my data be managed?

We are processing, including collecting, your personal data so we can investigate the barriers with achieving greater access and participation in our Large-Scale Facilities. We will store your data securely and handle it in line with UK data protection legislation.

When you take part in this survey UKRI will process any personal details you chose to share during the course of the survey. The personal information that you provide as part of this survey will only be used in the analysis of the survey results and will not be used/shared for any other purpose.

All responses will be provided anonymously to UKRI by Citizen Space and we will not be able to identify individual respondents. Individual (anonymous) responses will be only viewed by EPSRC staff. However, EPSRC reserves the right to publish and share aggregated information with stakeholders.

If you would like to know more, including how to exercise your data protection rights, please see our privacy notice.

Why are we interested in Accessibility?

Accessibility is about removing difficulties, enabling users to engage and participate in everyday activities, and making information or environments easy-to-use for as many people as possible. We are guided by the social model of disability which aims to identify difficulties to inclusion and access for disabled people. This is important so that everyone can access information, resources and facilities. This means individuals are not disadvantaged by not being aware of something or unable to access something that may otherwise have a positive impact for them.

EPSRC’s goal is to make the infrastructure we invest in as accessible as possible; to exclude no one. We are particularly interested in ensuring the facilities are appropriate for people with long term (more than 1 year) physical or mental health conditions, impairments, injuries and other difficulties/differences that have a substantial impact on their day-to-day activities.

The EPSRC EDI action plan

The EPSRC EDI action plan 2022-2025 sets out the activities we will undertake to create a more inclusive research base. Action set 5 of this action plan is to ‘Investigate the barriers to greater access and participation to provide better support for people in our research and innovation community’.

As part of this action set, the EPSRC Research Infrastructure and EDI teams are conducting this survey to understand how accessible the Large-Scale Facilities that we support are, as well as to find out what barriers, if any, exist to providing greater accessibility.

For more information on EPSRC’s EDI related activities please see our webpages: https://www.ukri.org/what-we-do/supporting-healthy-research-and-innovation-culture/equality-diversity-and-inclusion/epsrc/.

What are the EPSRC-supported Large-Scale Facilities?

High Performance Computing services (Tier1 and Tier2), including:

  • ARCHER2, Baskerville, CIRRUS, Cambridge CSD3, Isambard, JADE, Materials and Molecular Modelling (MMM) Hub, Northern Intensive Computing Environment (Bede), NI-HPC (Kelvin-2) and Sulis

National Research Facilities, including:

  • HarwellXPS, National Crystallography Service (NCS), National Dark Fibre Infrastructure Service (NDFIS), National Electron Paramagnetic Spectroscopy Facility and Service, National Epitaxy Facility, National Ion Beam Centre, National Research Facility for X-ray Computed Tomography (NXCT), Physical Sciences Data-Science Service (PSDS), SuperSTEM, UK High-field Solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Facility and X-ray Materials Science Facility (XMaS)

For more information on EPSRC’s Research Infrastructure investments and opportunities please see our webpage: https://www.ukri.org/what-we-do/our-main-funds-and-areas-of-support/browse-our-areas-of-investment-and-support/research-infrastructure-theme/

1. I am happy with the terms detailed above, and consent to take part in the survey