Annual Monitoring Survey for 2018 CDTs - 2023/24

Closes 20 Dec 2024



Questions in this section applies to questions apply to (partly or fully) UKRI funded students only. Questions 1-24 applies only for fully funded EPSRC/UKRI students and question 25 applies to other students (aligned/incorporated).

This section collects information on;


Deals with the student recruitment process for the training grant. We are seeking demographic statistics of applicants and interviewees for studentships for the purpose of equal opportunities monitoring. Please indicate the number of formal applications received for studentships funded through the award, the number invited for interview, the number of appointments made and offers accepted by the candidates. Please provide the diversity statistics.


The cohort of students undertaking your CDT training programme may comprise additional students to those registered in Je-S against your award. These ‘integrated’ studentships may not receive any funding from your award. This section seeks to understand more about this body of students.

Please see the following definitions for studentships;

UKRI CDT students

These students must receive at least 50% of their studentship costs (meaning half of the total combined cost of their stipend, fee, and individual project costs) from the CDT grant. These students should be recorded through Je-S Studentship Details. In addition to studentship costs, costs associated with cohort training and activities may be charged to the grant for these students.

Incorporated students

Incorporated studentship awards are those relating to the non-UKRI leveraged funds of the CDT. The UKRI training grant terms and conditions will apply to these students with the exception of the residency-based eligibility prior to the start of the studentship. These students should be recorded through Je-S Studentship Details. Centre delivery costs for example core training and CDT cohort activities costs, may be incurred in relation to Incorporated Students and charged to the grant. No studentship costs may be charged. Incorporated Students must receive the same experience and support as UKRI CDT Students. For example, provision for additional support such as Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA), parental leave (in any of its forms), or sickness must be made. These additional costs should be the responsibility of the studentship funder.

Aligned students

Aligned Students are those with an award that is not reliant on CDT funding (UKRI or the leveraged funds) but who are nonetheless benefitting from CDT activities (an example would be a DTP supported student participating in CDT activities/training). Unless they are funded from another UKRI training grant, the UKRI training terms and conditions do not apply. Where they are supported by another UKRI grant any requests for additional costs/support such as parental leave, sickness, or DSA must be linked to that other training grant. No costs associated with Aligned Students may be charged to the CDT grant (though where their participation in a CDT activity does not increase costs, all of the activity’s costs may be charged to the grant). Any additional costs resulting from the inclusion of aligned students should be covered from elsewhere such as the student’s funding source. They must not be recorded through Je-S in association with the CDT grant.

1. Number of formal applications received categorised by sex:
2. Number of formal applications received categorised by age:
3. Number of formal applications received categorised by ethnicity:
4. Number of formal applications received categorised by disability:
5. Number of formal applications received categorised by sexual orientation:
6. Total number of formal applications received?
7. Number of applicants invited to interview categorised by sex:
8. Number of applicants invited to interview categorised by age:
9. Number of applicants invited to interview categorised by ethnicity:
10. Number of applicants invited to interview categorised by disability:
11. Number of applicants invited to interview categorised by sexual orientation:
12. Total number of applicants invited to interview:
13. Number of appointments made categorised by sex:
14. Number appointments made categorised by age:
15. Number of appointments made categorised by ethnicity:
16. Number of appointments made categorised by disability
17. Number of appointments made categorised by sexual orientation:
18. Total number of appointments made:
19. Number of offers accepted categorised by sex:
20. Number of offers accepted categorised by age:
21. Number of offers accepted categorised by ethnicity
22. Number of offers accepted categorised by disability:
23. Number of offers accepted categorised by sexual orientation:
24. Total number of offers accepted?
25. Please provide the following details about the students recruited in the latest cohort: (please see the grant terms and conditions for the definitions of UKRI student, Incorporated and Aligned students)