Annual Monitoring Survey for Other Training Grants 2023/2024

Closes 20 Dec 2024



Investments into your programme for doctoral training go beyond the cash invested by the Research Councils in your award. The purpose of this section is to understand the extent to which Non-Research Council cash and in-kind contributions underpin your activities.

Please indicate the amount of additional investment committed to the training award by non-Research Council sources (cash or in-kind). This should include the investment made into studentships and programme delivery (i.e. administrative support, training delivery costs, etc.), from the academic year 2023/24


In this section we are seeking information on any cohort activities you have developed and provided for your students in order to enable networking

1. Institutional Investments
2. UK private sector investments
3. UK public sector investments
4. UK charity investments
5. International investments
6. Other investments
7. Please list the cohort training, development and networking activities that you have designed and implemented for your students and the number of your students who have attended. These may include induction events, transferable skills training, symposia etc. Please ensure you include and highlight details of research integrity/experimental design training. Please break down your answer into activity name, activity type and the number of students attended; Examples for activity types: Academic career development; Advanced research techniques and/or methods; Enabling social impact of research; Knowledge exchange and commercialisation; Language acquisition; Public engagement and/or research communication; Research ethics and governance; Quantitative techniques and study design; Student inductions Example answer: induction event, student inductions, 20 attended
8. Please provide details of any training and development activities you deliver for your students in collaboration with other DTPs or CDTs (including those from other research councils). Give special mention to any you are leading. Please break down your answer to the name of CDT/DTP, nature of collaboration, or whether it is a new or continuing collaboration?
9. Please provide details of any training and development activities you deliver for your students in collaboration with non-academic organisations (e.g. placements). Please break down your answer with the name of non-academic training partner and their relevant sector (ONS sector codes), Type of collaboration (eg: CASE partner, research, placement/internship, UKRI policy internships, facility access, other) nature of collaboration, or whether it is a new or continuing collaboration?
10. Please provide details of any overseas joint/dual funded PhDs Please break down your answer with the Title of DTP/CDT, Overseas partner organisation, student ID funded, mode of study (full or part time), Funding: (full award or fees only)