349 results
ESRC Responsive Mode Round 1 Survey - User Panel Members
This survey gives you the opportunity to share your views with us about your experiences working on Round 1 of Responsive Mode. MoreClosed 5 November 2024 -
International Away Day 28 November 2024 Registration
The event will be held at STEAM . Expected timings are 9:30am - 4:30pm. The address of the venue is: STEAM - Museum of the Great Western Railway Fire Fly Avenue Swindon SN2 2EY If you are driving, the main and closest parking is located at the Swindon Designer Outlet North Car Park which is just five minutes’ walk from the Museum. At the end of the day, please go to the front desk where you can collect a barcode which will allow free exit from the car park. If... MoreClosed 4 November 2024 -
AHRC Connected Communities Impact Survey
We are coming out to the people we supported through the Connected Communities programme to make sure we're aware of all the amazing impacts they have achieved. Five years on from the official end of the programme and as we pick up our engagement with the new government, we're aware that new benefits and impacts may have emerged that are not reflected in Research Fish and other existing records. We are keen to capture these and ensure we are appropriately reflecting the full range of... MoreClosed 31 October 2024 -
LMB Postdoc Symposium
We are pleased to announce the LMB Postdoc Symposium, taking place on November 22nd, 2024. This full-day event is designed for LMB postdoctoral researchers and offers a valuable opportunity to engage with the research community in and around the LMB. The symposium will feature inspiring talks from internal and external speakers, career development and wellbeing workshops from the careers service and Tiny Pause, an interactive poster session for feedback, a happy hour and more. ... MoreClosed 31 October 2024 -
EPSRC- Engineering ECF meeting - 4th December 2024
This survey is about requirements for the Engineering ECF Meeting on 4th December 2024. EPSRC complies with the General Data Protection Regulations 2016/679 (EU) GDPR). We process and handle personal information according to these regulations. The personal information that you provide on this form will only be used for the processing of your application. The information will be viewed by EPSRC staff and those who are part of the decision making process. Your information will not be... MoreClosed 25 October 2024 -
UKRI TMF Engineering Biology Programme Convening Event - Feedback
Please provide feedback on the recent UKRI TMF Engineering Biology Programme Convening Event, and help shape future programme engagement activites. MoreClosed 25 October 2024 -
Highlight Topic evaluation
The Highlight Topics (HT) fund was set up in 2013 by UKRI NERC as a rapid mechanism to identify and then fund strategically important gaps in the research portfolio. UKRI NERC is seeking to understand how well the HT mechanism has met its ambitions and would like to invite you to take part in a short survey, the results of which will contribute towards our wider analysis and evaluation of the HT fund. The overaching evaluation questions are: Has the HT funding model been... MoreClosed 24 October 2024 -
BBSRC Strategy Advisory Panel Member 2024
BBSRC Strategy Advisory Panel Member 2024 Thank you for your interest in applying to join BBSRC’s Strategy Advisory Panels. Please read the role profiles and expertise requirements for the positions and provide evidence of how your expertise and experience address these criteria. Applications will be reviewed against the criteria set out in the person specification and role descriptions. Outcomes will be communicated during December 2024. ... MoreClosed 24 October 2024 -
Opening ceremony of the NQCC's new facility -21.10
The NQCC facility, whose ground breaking happened in September 2021 is now complete. The landmark building will provide a world-class research centre that attracts visitors and industry interest from across the UK and internationally. The vision for the facility is to provide a vibrant work environment that promotes collaboration between quantum developers, technology providers and end users. The mixed provision of office, meeting and laboratory spaces has been designed to provide the... MoreClosed 23 October 2024 -
Call to STFC Science Board PPAN (Astronomy)
Thank you for your interest to join the STFC Science Board (PPAN). Please read the role profile and expertise requirements for the position and provide evidence of how your expertise and experience address these criteria. Anyone who has applied before can apply this time provided they are (i) an astronomer with the expertise as specified with in the advert, and (ii) are not based at one of the existing institutes/ departments already represented on Science Board (PPAN) as listed in the... MoreClosed 23 October 2024 -
Catapult-UKRI Forum Survey_July 2024
Dear Catapult-UKRI Network Forum colleagues, please share your views via the survey below and help us shape the future of our Forum meetings. MoreClosed 21 October 2024 -
Agrifood Team - Survey of Meetings
A survey of meetings in the AgriFood Systems theme is being undertaken to better understand what is needed. Please could you complete the following short questionnaire which should take no more than 5 minutes, and follow the instructions to submit your return. MoreClosed 21 October 2024 -
NQCC's new facility opening ceremony
The NQCC facility, whose ground breaking happened in September 2021 is now complete. The landmark building will provide a world-class research centre that attracts visitors and industry interest from across the UK and internationally. The vision for the facility is to provide a vibrant work environment that promotes collaboration between quantum developers, technology providers and end users. The mixed provision of office, meeting and laboratory spaces has been designed to provide the... MoreClosed 21 October 2024 -
Explore our planet event feedback
Feedback from event attendees October 2024 MoreClosed 20 October 2024 -
24RM2 Feedback - Chairs and Panel Members
This is a short survey following BBSRC’s Responsive Mode 24RM2 round to understand the experience of the panel and seek feedback regarding the current assessment process. MoreClosed 18 October 2024 -
23rd October - IAC/AGD Dinner Options
Dear IAC/AGD Members, Please select menu options for the informal dinner - taking place at The Laureate Restaurant at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Manchester - on 23rd October 2024. Two courses are offered: Main & Dessert/Cheese Board. We are also having an informal dinner on Tuesday 22nd October at Zouk Tea Bar (zoukteabar.co.uk) so we have also included a question here regarding attendance to this. Many thanks, The UKRI Infrastructure Team MoreClosed 17 October 2024 -
BBSRC Follow-on Fund Committee Chair: Expression of Interest
BBSRC Follow-on Fund Committee Chair Thank you for your interest in applying to join BBSRC’s Follow-on Fund Committee as Chair. Please read the role profile and expertise requirements for this position and provide evidence of how your expertise and experience address the criteria. Expressions of Interest will be reviewed against the criteria set out in the person specification and role description. Outcomes will be communicated to applicants during... MoreClosed 17 October 2024 -
EPSRC Advisory Streams survey 2024
We are undertaking a review of our advisory streams (SAT’s and their equivalents, SETB, Business Engagement Forum, and Research Office Workshops) with three objectives: To determine if our advisory streams are delivering the intended benefits and setting this against the organisational costs to deliver them. To identify efficiency savings that could be made through different ways of working To decide if we want to amend the current approach of... MoreClosed 14 October 2024 -
Reasonable Adjustments Pilot
As a pilot initiative, UKRI appointed a third-party supplier to provide tailored reasonable adjustment support (if requested) for people with a disability or long-term condition who might face barriers in applying to Round 9 of the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships. To help evaluate phase one of this pilot initiative, we would be very grateful if you could provide some feedback on how you found this process and the support you received (if applicable). This will... MoreClosed 10 October 2024 -
AgriFood Team F2F Meeting Survey - Wed 20 November 2024
To inform the planning of the AgriFood Team F2F Meeting on Wednesday 20th November, we are seeking your opinion on the following criteria. MoreClosed 7 October 2024 -
UKRO Subscriber Roundtables - Feedback Form
Thank you for attending the UKRO Subscriber Roundtable on 16 September 2024. We would invite you to fill in this optional short survey to make any additional points you would like. MoreClosed 4 October 2024 -
UKRO Subscriber Roundtable 27th September - Feedback Form
Thank you for attending the UKRO Subscriber Roundtable on 27 September 2024. We would invite you to fill in this optional short survey to make any additional points you would like. MoreClosed 4 October 2024 -
24RM1 Feedback - Applicants
This is a short survey following BBSRC’s Responsive Mode 24RM1 round to understand the experience of the applicant and seek feedback regarding the current assessment process. MoreClosed 30 September 2024 -
Trusted Research Environment User Experience Survey (ESRC)
Thank you to all the respondents for dedicating time to complete this survey. The purpose of this survey is to find out about the experiences of researchers who access sensitive data in Trusted Research Environments (TREs) such as (but not only) the UK Data Service SecureLab (formerly the Secure Data Service). There are now many TREs in the UK and if you use one of these to access data for research, this survey is for you. It is estimated that the survey will take... MoreClosed 30 September 2024 -
MRC Board and Panel Recruitment Survey 2024
Thank you for taking the time to apply to be an MRC Board or Panel Member. In the survey we will ask you to provide the following information. Check that you have this information to hand before you begin: which vacancies you are applying to a list (30 - 60 words) of the key areas of your expertise details of funding panel membership if applicable, your open researcher and contributor ID (ORCID) number details of funding you have secured and in what capacity ... MoreClosed 30 September 2024 -
Annual Benefit Statements 2024
JSS are interested in your feedback regarding your Annual Benefit Statement for 2024. Please use this survey to provide feedback. Please note that JSS do not provide an on-line portal to access your statement or pension details. We do not intend creating one but the new Pension Dashboard may provide this in the future. MoreClosed 30 September 2024 -
ESRC Future Data Services Discovery & Data Curation - Service Staff Survey
ESRC is seeking input for the Discovery and Data Curation theme of the Future Data Services (FDS) programme . The FDS programme seeks to understand the needs of the next generation of data services beyond 2024. This survey specifically seeks to understand the needs and views of data service staff . Whilst FDS focusses on the needs of the social science community from ESRC data services views from across the disciplines are welcomed. This survey forms part of a wider work... MoreClosed 30 September 2024 -
ESRC Future Data Services Discovery & Data Curation - Service User Survey
ESRC is seeking input for the Discovery and Data Curation theme of the Future Data Services (FDS) programme . The FDS programme seeks to understand the needs of the next generation of data services beyond 2024. This survey specifically seeks to understand the needs and views of data service users. Whilst FDS focusses on the needs of the social science community from ESRC data services views from across the disciplines and council remits are welcomed. ... MoreClosed 30 September 2024 -
MRC Panel Chair Recruitment Survey 2024
Thank you for taking the time to apply to be an MRC Panel Chair. In the survey we will ask you to provide the following information. Check that you have this information to hand before you begin: a short paragraph (approximately 300 words) on how you meet the criteria a list (30 - 60 words) of the key areas of your expertise details of funding panel membership if applicable, your open researcher and contributor ID (ORCID) number details of funding you have... MoreClosed 30 September 2024 -
EPSRC Programme Grant Pre-Outline Form
Programme grants provide flexible funding to world-leading research groups addressing significant major research challenges. Funding should bring together the expertise of a team of internationally recognised scientists or engineers to focus on one strategic research theme. EPSRC sees programme grants as critical mass investments, which cover a diverse engineering and physical sciences portfolio. They benefit UK research through the concentration of high-performing talent. We... MoreClosed 27 September 2024
349 results.
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