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sLoLa Grantholder Workshop Registration
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7 Jan 2025
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1. What is your name? With your permission this will be included in the meeting booklet.
2. What is your organisation? With your permission this will be included in the meeting booklet.
3. What is your email address?
4. Which sLoLa project are you associated with? With your permission this will be included in the meeting booklet.
Please write your sLoLa project here
5. What is your role in the project? With your permission this will be included in the meeting booklet.
6. Please provide a short description of your current area of research (max 250 words). With your permission this will be included in the meeting booklet.
Please write here:
7. Please indicate what you would like to get out of this meeting (max. 250 words). BBSRC will consider this in designing the agenda for the day.
Please write here what you would like to get out of the day
8. Do you agree for your details provided in Q1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 to be made available to other participants?
9. Do you have any special dietary requirements?
Yes (please provide details below)
Dietary requirements
10. Do you have any access requirements?
Yes (please provide details below)
Access requirements
11. Please confirm: I understand that travel and additional subsistence expenses will not be covered. (Dinner and hotel accommodation on Tuesday 28th January, food and drink at the meeting on Wednesday 29th January is provided)
I confirm
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