EPSRC University Doctoral Landscape Awards 2025 - 2027 - Assurance Questions
The following question only applies if you intend to use the flexible fund. If you only want to use your university doctoral landscape award for studentship costs (doctoral students’ fees, stipends, and research training support), you do not need to answer this question. However, you will have to confirm your choice through a tick box in this section. If you are not using the flexible fund, please write N/A to subsequent questions.
What the assessors are looking for in your response:
If you intend to use flexible funding, explain:
- How you intend to use flexible funding, and the proposed beneficiaries
- The approximate percentage (%) of your allocation you intend to use on different parts of the flexible fund
- How flexible funding will complement and support use of the remaining doctoral landscape award, including plans for research training, student experience and supporting equality, diversity and inclusion.